Thank you for booking your first lesson with us! To help you prepare for a smooth experience, please read through this guide.
You may be denied entry if you are not a resident or a guest of a resident. Some residentials have restrictions on when guests can use their facilities. It is up to you to check this information. Once booked, our Terms & Conditions are valid.
Class Confirmation
After booking your lesson online, you will receive an automated confirmation email.
If you don’t see it, check your junk mail folder.
Still missing it? Your booking may not have gone through. You can check your bookings by logging into the website or messaging us.
Your confirmation email will include:
What you booked
Your coach’s name
Date and time of the lesson
The Pool
You are responsible for your own pool fees. This may include the coach's fee.
Each pool has its own rules about pool closure due to weather or other circumstances. Whilst we are as accommodating as possible, you are subject to our Terms & Conditions regarding any situations that may arise suddenly such as pool closure or other incidents.
Meet Your Coach
You can find out what your coach looks like here
You may meet your coach pool side or at the Club House reception depending on the situation.
Basic Equipment for Swimmers
🌟 If you’re in need of reliable equipment, you might consider exploring our vetted selection. We can even bring it directly to your lesson for a hassle-free experience. Click the image below to access our Shop.
As it gets cooler, thermal wear is advisable.
Essential for all levels except Baby & Toddler and Kids Beginners classes. *Until they consistently submerge - we will advise you on when it is time to start using goggles.
Ensure they fit well. Adult goggles are not suitable for children! Check this guide for help
Swim Cap:
Provided for regular students on the first lesson (except Baby & Toddler).
Bring it for subsequent lessons to keep hair out of your face and protect against pool chemicals.
Kick Board:
Required for all levels except Baby & Toddler and Kids Beginners.
If purchasing your own, choose a smaller, firmer board that suits the student's size.
If you have any questions or suggestions for other guides, please let us know in the comments below. We’re excited to see you at your first lesson! Happy swimming! 🌊